Children & Adult Protective Services FAQs

The following information should answer your most common questions, but if you still need assistance please call (419) 898-3688 or visit our contact page for more information.

Abuse is an act inflicted against a child which causes injury. It could be physical, sexual or emotional. Neglect is a failure to act on a child's behalf. It may not produce visible signs, and it usually occurs over time. Neglect can be physical or emotional.

Anyone who suspects or knows a child has been maltreated or is at risk of abuse or neglect is encouraged to make a report. This includes family, friends and neighbors. Professionals who work with children, such as school employees, counselors and medical practitioners, are required to report. The identity of the reporter is confidential and will not be revealed unless a court determines it necessary.

When determining the appropriateness of leaving an older child alone, there are many factors to consider:

  • The child's age and maturity.
  • Responsibilities expected of the child.
  • The child's knowledge of safety techniques.
  • The length of time and the time of day the child is left alone.
  • The proximity and accessibility of trusted adults.

The important question to ask is, "Does the situation place the child at risk of harm?" If you are unsure, err on the side of safety.

We do everything we can to keep families together whenever possible. When parents cannot provide a safe home for their children, we first look for other relatives or friends for help.

Parents are required to work a case plan which is designed to help eliminate the risks and safety concerns that led to removal. The Court evaluates progress when deciding whether to reunite the child.

You must complete a foster to adopt homestudy. OCDJFS foster/adoptive home assessors try their best to complete the foster to adopt homestudies as quick as possible. There are multiple items that must be completed in order to become a foster to adopt parent. To discuss these, please call us at (419) 898-3688.

If you are adopting a special needs child through OCDJFS, most related costs such as attorney fees, court fees, medical fees, and other fees, can be reimbursed to you through Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses. If you are adopting a child that is not special needs, you will be responsible for these costs.

Yes. You can adopt if you are single, married, divorced, living with a significant other, etc. All household members must be included on your foster to adopt homestudy.

Once you are approved for adoption and a child has been placed into your home, the child must live with you for a minimum of six months before you can adopt.

There are times that babies do become available for adoption. Typically, if a baby does become available for adoption and relative options have been exhausted, the foster home will adopt.

You will need to contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center 1 (800) 686-7367. Request to speak with the Long Term Care Ombudsman to report your concerns.

Anyone can report suspected elder abuse, neglect or exploitation. Certain professionals are mandated by Ohio law to report elder abuse. This includes all medical healthcare professionals, attorneys, social workers, law enforcement and emergency response personnel.

You will need the address or the exact location of the older adult and all information you have about the nature of the abuse. The screener will also ask you a series of questions to gather as much information as possible about the situation and the needs of the older adult.

APS strives to maximize independence and prevent, eliminate, or remedy the conditions that cause or contribute to the endangerment or abuse of adults.

Adults have the right to refuse help. APS respects the wishes of those that decline assistance except in situations where the adult clearly lacks the capacity to make this decision. APS works with doctors, mental health professionals and the courts when an adult’s ability to make decisions is in question and the adult is at risk of being abused, neglected or financially exploited.

There are several steps that you must complete in order to become a licensed foster parent. You have to complete 36 hours of pre-service training, have a fire inspection done on your home, have medicals completed on each of your family members as well as other requirements. For further information on how to become a foster parent, please call us at (419) 898-3688.

It Depends. Some stay for one night and others become available for adoption. You will learn more about this in your pre-service training.

During the homestudy process, you are able to have alternative caregivers approved to help watch your foster children. They will be required to complete background checks. You can also be approved to use county daycare, during the times that the adults in your home are working.

During the homestudy process, you have to complete a form called Child Characteristic Checklist. This will tell OCDJFS what ages & sex of children you are willing to take. Also, the checklist will tell OCDJFS how many children you are willing to take into your home, what diagnosis/special needs of children you are willing to take. This is your choice.

The rate for OCDJFS foster parents is $40.00 per day or $50.00 per day depending on age and special needs of child.

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