Benefit Recovery/Fraud Prevention

The Benefit Recovery unit is responsible for the following functions:

  • The calculation and collection of public assistance payments issued in error.
  • Investigations of suspected fraud.

Please contact the agency by utilizing the below contact information when you suspect someone is abusing the use of public assistance.

Investigator: (419) 898-3688

Online Fraud Referral Form
(Use the form above to fill in and email/submit suspected fraud to us)

Fraud Prevention

Ottawa County Fraud unit encourages the public to report any suspected abuse which could include the following unreported situation:

  • Employment
  • Living arrangements
  • Recipients of Social Security, Unemployment, Workers Compensation
  • Ownership of real estate, rental properties, vehicles, campers, boats, etc.
  • Absent parents living in the home.
  • Children leaving the home.
  • Selling or misuse of the EBT card and EPPICard.

When making a report please be as detailed as possible with names, addresses, phone numbers and dates. When reporting you do not have to give your name. If you give your name it will not be revealed as the source of information to the person under investigation.

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