Medical Assistance

Click here for more information OHIO’S MEDICAID EXPANSION Health care coverage is provided through various Medicaid programs to certain low income and medically vulnerable people. Medicaid is a state and federally funded health program and eligible persons are entitled to medically necessary services at no or low cost. You must complete the application process to be determined eligible for Medicaid.

Medicaid is very broad with two major covered groups, Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) and Covered Families and Children (CFC). The following groups may be eligible for Medicaid:

  • Children (up to age 19)
  • Some individuals up to age 21
  • Pregnant women
  • Families with children under age 18
  • Adults age 65 and over
  • Individuals who are legally blind
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Certain women screened for breast and/or cervical cancer

Applicants must:

  • Be a US citizen or meet Medicaid citizenship requirements
  • Be an Ohio resident
  • Have or get a social security number
  • Meet certain financial and resource requirements

Visit our Medical Card page for more information on Medicaid.

The Medicaid Long Term Care and Waiver Programs provide medical assistance to individuals for placement in a skilled nursing facility or to individuals who need ongoing skilled care and wish to remain in their homes. Individuals must meet income and resource requirements to qualify for these programs and must be determined to have a need for an intermediate or skilled level of care. We work closely with hospital social workers, the Passport Agency, the Bureau of Community Services and local nursing homes to coordinate all available services for the individual and family. To learn more about Nursing Home Medicaid please visit the Nursing Home page.

Healthchek is Ohio’s Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program. It provides an array of services to children and teens younger than age 21 which include: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The purpose of Healthchek is to discover and treat health problems early. If a potential health problem is found, further diagnosis and treatment are covered. More detailed information can be obtained if you visit the Healthchek page.

Early and continual prenatal care plays an important role in positive pregnancy results and the birth of a healthy baby. The Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) program was developed to improve and maintain the health of pregnant women, increase their chances for healthier babies and promote positive birth outcomes. The enhanced services of the PRS program include referrals, individual pregnancy counseling and education, group education, case management, nutrition intervention, transportation to Medicaid appointments and delivery. Additional information about the Pregnancy Related Services Program can be found by clicking visiting the Pregnancy Services page.